Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Recent Tyler Quotes

"Wow that's awesomer than an eagle eating a dead penguin" said in reference to the fact that the wii remotes can be player 1 OR 2. Upon being asked what sounded good for dessert he replied, "Chocolate chip cookies with strips of chocolate across the top - that sounds better than a frog eating a bug on a tree trunk!" Said as sweet as a 5 year old little boy can, "It's so hard to choose whether to eat dinner or be hungry til breakfast when you don't like fruits and vegetables and your mom makes such bad food full of fruits and vegetables." As Tyler was getting dressed after his bath he says, "dad, where did you put my underwear?" Craig says,"they're right there on the stool" Tyler says, no they aren't. Craig says yes they are, I'm looking at them. Tyler says, "no you're not, you're looking at me"

1 comment:

Reed Family said...

Tyler is hilarious!
It's been too long since I hopped over here to check on your family. Hope things are going well. :)