Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trying to Catch Up!!!

Wow!!!  I'm a little behind...again :(  I knew I hadn't posted in a bit but I didn't realize how long until our home computer crashed this past week!  Tyler had a project for school that we needed pictures for so I had to revert to Facebook and our family blog for a series of pictures that encompassed the "digital years".  That's when I discovered how far behind our blog was :(  So, besides the fact I needed to get caught up - it was a good feeling to know that there was a digital copy of many of our important moments in life somewhere in cyberspace that I could refer back to.  So...I'm going to attempt to get this caught back up through use of my Facebook posts and what I can scrounge off of various memory cards laying around. 

Needless to say, our hard drive was wiped clean of all of the information from as far as we can tell.  Quite heart breaking to say the least!  I cried on the phone with my BIL when he told me :(

So wish me luck on this journey of updating our blog.  I'm going to use it as a Personal Progress Project I think lol!

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