We got there Friday evening and got to go to Gail's and spend a little time visiting before we headed to the motel. It started snowing while we were on our way to the motel. The next morning we woke up to about 3 inches of snow on our car! How fun is that???
We spent the day hanging out with the family and then they took us sledding! Bummer deal I had to just sit and watch because of my foot, but the kids and Craig had a great time! They also make a snowman in the front yard!
Tyler had a blast playing at Aunt Gails. She has 5 boys, and they LoVe Tyler :) There were trains, balls, Nerf Guns (which everyone had a blast playing with), helicopters and anything else you could possibly imagine in a house full of boys!
We had sooo much fun and were quite sad to be leaving! However, Josh is serving his mission next door to where we live :) How fun is that??? If he goes to the most northern part of his misison he will be about 20 minutes away from where we live! So we're hoping we might be able to get in a visit once or twice.
This is Tyler sitting with Jeremy and Jordan (you can see Jace off to the far left)
Every night when we would get back to the motel it would only take Tyler seconds before he was crashed out snoring! They wore him out :)
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