Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Hapenings

I don't usually post about just little tidbits of information but there have been a few little comments and events the last few days that I thought were blog worthy.

  • A couple of days ago Craig & Tyler were hanging out after Craig had come in from work and Tyler says, "I missed you Dad" and Craig smiled and replied, "I missed you too!" Tyler responds, "We're best friends!" and gives him a great big hug!

  • Tyler and his friend Presleigh were playing at the park. I had taken some marshmallows for them to share and they had both had a few and then went back to play on the toys. Tyler ran back over to get another marshmallow and decided to get one for Presleigh too. She was sitting at the top of the slide and so the gentleman that Tyler is attempted to take it up the slide to Presleigh. After several attempts of sliding down the slide while holding onto the marshmallows Presleigh decided she was going to have to take matters into her own hands. So Presleigh slides down the slide to meet Tyler and they both sit at the bottom of the slide eating marshmallows together. So cute!!!

  • In Tyler's preschool they learn about a different letter each week and so we always emphasize the first letter of words and discuss what sound they make and what letter it is. Yesterday Tyler and I were driving down the road and Tyler asked me what day it was. I told him it was Tuesday. He says, "T t t t tuesday, what letter does that start with mom?" I replied, "T" and he says, "That's right, good job!"

  • I'm in the kitchen making dinner, Tyler comes in and asks what I'm doing. I told him I was making dinner, he says, "Don't make any for me cause I don't like dinner!"

  • Tyler went shopping at a yard sale with my parents. They were given a bag and everything they could fit in the bag cost $1 so Tyler got to "shop" on his own. Among his findings were 2 balls, a lunch pail, a shirt with cars, and a Halloween votive holder for me. My boy knows his mom :)
  • Ashlie came home with a flyer from school that she is receiving an award at the school assembly on Friday!!!

  • Sari finished her Science Fair Project this past weekend and turned it in on Monday. Her teacher told her today that she is 1 of 2 students from her school that have been chosen to go on to the county Science Fair with her project. Her project tested how much lemon juice was needed to keep a sliced apple from turning brown.

  • Sari was nominated as Student of the Month at school and gets to have breakfast with her teacher on Friday morning and will get an award at the school assembly.
All three of our kids are such sweet kids and have such unique personalities. We are so blessed to have each of them in our family!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Valentines Day really isn't one of my favorites! Of course I'm sure you all know which is my favorite :) Yet Craig has done a pretty good job the last couple of years of making it special. This year was no different. He usually spoils me beyond belief and so we decided to take it kind of easy this year and we had so much fun. Here is a recap of our wonderful relaxing day!!!

First, we slept in!!! It was wonderful! I can't remember the last time we both were able to sleep in (by sleeping in I mean 8:00 am)! We lounged around the house and relaxed and just took it easy. After we were both showered we fed the kids some lunch and headed out the door to lunch by ourselves (it's great having a babysitter in the house)!

We headed to Fresno for lunch and ate at Outback Steakhouse and had some very yummy steak! After lunch we headed over to the mall. Here is where the real fun began. We each took $25 and set off on our own. We had one hour to spend the allotted amount of money on our spouse. No shopping for ourselves!!! I had had an idea in mind for a couple of weeks after hearing Craig complain about a particular item and so I already had some gifts in mind. It really is quite fun to shop for the other person and only that person. No kids or anyone else.

After the hour was up we met back up at the appointed location with our items hidden from sight :) We walked over to Cheesecake Factory and got dessert to go! I got the Banana Cream Cheesecake and Craig got the Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake. We went and sat on a bench outside and ate our dessert and exchanged gifts! Craig got me a collection from Bath & Body Works. I got the body wash, body lotion, and fragrance spray in Black Raspberry Vanilla!!! And he only went a few cents over budget :) Good job Craig!!! I cheated a little on the budget and I will tell you why in a minute :) I got Craig a personalized mouse pad with my picture on it (the object he had been complaining about), screen covers for his iphone, and cologne from A&F!!! We had so much fun exchanging gifts and sharing dessert!

After we were finished we headed home! We just hung out the rest of the evening playing some rockband with the kids and having fun! After the kids went to bed we curled up on the couch together with our favorite blanket (thank you Florence for the wedding present) and watched Finding Neverland! It was a wonderful day spent with my best friend ever!!!

Note: This is my justification for going over budget. We used a similar idea a year ago or so on another date except that time we scoured the house for any spare change we could find and then split it. We each ended up with $11. We went to the mall to shop, granted not a good choice for $11, however, that is where we went. After an hour all I could come up with was a Harry Potter toy and some Harry Potter gummy worms for my $11. Craig purchased me a cover for my cell phone which was about double the allotted amount of money. So I got a great gift and he got some cheesy Harry Potter toy, which sits on our dresser to this day! So, that was my justification on going over this time. Now we're even and no one else can go over ever again :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Every night when it is time for bed our routine includes reading the scriptures as a family and then we each go around and say one thing that we are thankful for, then as a family we kneel and have family prayer. We started this many, many years ago when Sari and Ashlie were still small and learning how to say prayers. We found that it was just complete repetition every night that they said the prayer. So as a way to help them find different things to say we started "Thankful Things". We used to keep a notebook and each night we would write down what each person said, and the rule was that you couldn't say the same thing until we turned a new page in the notebook. That helped to not keep repeating thankful things. The notebook has vanished from sight quite some time ago but we do try to make sure that we don't use the same thankful thing over and over. However, Tyler has become the exception to that rule. He has been thankful for Thomas (the train) for probably about a year now. Every single night he is thankful for Thomas. Sometimes we get brave and try to encourage two thankful things from him so that Thomas is still included but also something else, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. So last night, completely out of the blue he says, "I'm thankful for bandaids!" Wow!!! Even the girls were like, "What!!!" We tried to quickly get them quiet and not draw attention to the fact that he willingly changed his thankful thing for the first time in over a year. I'm not sure if this is a growth in maturity or simply a fluke thing, we will find out tonight!